Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Memories of a resident in USA ! part 2

I am sorry for not posting earlier. Since the last entry, several things happened and I would like to share it with you.

I have finished my first rotation in inpatient psychiatry unit. It was for 3 months. It was a noticeable experience, as it was my first time to deal with the American medical system as a resident. Also, the legal system regarding the mental health profession is very important as we interact with it on daily basis. It was also a full experience in the complete freedom of thought and opinions. You can say your opinion, no matter how strange it is, and you can argue and defend it as long as you have a logic defense.

I also had my PRITE exam. It is an exam that we, as residents in psychiatry in all the 4 years have to attend every year. It was a good chance to study.

Finally, I have just returned from a "pub". This is a place where people would meet after work, drink, eat and talk. Today there was an event in that pub, where one of the famous Irish violinists was going to play there, accompanied by all those who can play and would like to join him. I knew about it through a "meet up" internet group for Celtic music. When I went there, the people were very welcoming, and they introduced me to others there. Also, they were accepting for the fact that I don't drink alcohol, without any comments. I was able to talk with some of the group there, and know something about their lives and their sufferings. They have their really serious problems, so they are not living an easy life as I used to think for any one living in the States.

I also met with 2 of the performers after they finished. They told me that it seems that I was having a good time, as I was swinging my legs and head with the music, and that helped to elevate their morale. I did have a good time, and they were playing in a good way. Some of them were playing on the violins, some on the flutes, and some on some sort of a drum.

I feel that it was a good choice to go to NYC for my residency. The 4 years will be full of interesting and stimulating experiences, and I will meet people from whom I will learn a lot.

Keep all the good work going. Enjoy your day as it might be your last, and feel the blessing of living for one more day.

1 comment:

Hazem said...

Well, it seems that you are in a transparent mood.. a mood that enables you to see things and learn from them; away from the noise and speed of a life in a metropolitan city!

I think I can relate to that, somehow.. a sense of beautiful detachment can envelope you when you are a new and little being in a big and new world..

I am happy that you're amazed and learning. And that you're enjoying.. I am also happy that you listen to Celtic music! :) Being in the states you have a better chance at attending a Loreena McKennitt concert.. something that's never gonna happen in Egypt! :)